Providing naval architectural services has been a major
portion of Propulsion Data's workload since inception. All naval
architectural disciplines are available.
Preliminary and Contract Vessel Design: While
Propulsion Data is capable of performing full designs, the company was
formed to provide high tech assistance to naval architects and
shipyards. These services are provided on a strictly confidential
basis. PDS does not compete with its customers. Only on a very rare
occasion does PDS do a full design package for an unusual, or military
Vessel Modifications:
Propulsion Data is particularly adept at providing design modifications
to existing vessels. Most older vessels either have no drawings or the
drawings are on paper. A successful modification requires both
accurately reconstructing the necessary documents as well as developing
a design that will improve the vessel functionality and extend the
economic service life.
Most Utilized Naval Architectural Services:
Stability analysis per USCG, IMO, MCA, Navsea 6660, Classification Society and many foreign regulations.
Parametric stability optimization.
Stability books for mega yachts and commercial vessels.
Stability tests and deadweight surveys: Using the Propulsion Engine stability module, full stability reports can be delivered within a few hours of finishing the test.
Structural analysis; using both classification society procedures and FEA for unusual structures and modal analysis.
Lofting; combining modern 3D CAD surfacing with extensive mold loft
experience, PDS is world renowned in lofting not only commercial
vessels but also yachts from small to mega.
Design drawings: Typical design work is performed in 3D and reduced to
2D formats for presentation and production. Systems such as machinery,
piping, ventilation and wire ways are laid out in 3D to reduce the
possibility of interference.
CNC: Computer Numeric Control cutting of plate, shapes and piping
can be quickly done from the 3D and 2D design drawings. Nesting and
cutting files are generated by PDS in both G-Code and ESSE.
Tank testing: Setting necessary procedures and witnessing for
successful tank tests; In may cases producing the files for CNC
manufacturing the models.
Virtual tank testing: Setting necessary procedures and providing accurate 3D models for CFD.
Copyright 2017 Propulsion Data Services, Inc.